Hava Kargo Hakkında Herşey

Registration Deadline Approaching

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Registration Deadline Approaching


The countries of Central Asia and adjacent regions can unleash the full economic power of their aviation potential by improving connectivity and increasing passenger and cargo traffic. A modernized and more progressive aviation environment in the region requires the much-needed implementation of the best international standards and practices, factors that will stimulate and encourage investment in new, efficient infrastructure and air transport development. This is why IATA’s participation in the Asia Connect: Aviation Strategy 2022 conference is so important. The conference will take place on September 7 in Istanbul, Türkiye.

asia connect

Ruslan Sarin, IATA representative, will make an opening presentation at the conference, where he will talk about the IATA perspective on the region and the prospects for its post-pandemic recovery in the current situation. The Asia Connect: Aviation Strategy 2022 conference will host an array of interactive and in-depth debates, panel discussions and case studies from senior decision makers and industry leaders.

The Asia Connect: Aviation Strategy 2022 conference brings together global aviation experience and deep local knowledge of the Southern Eurasia region, promotes the exchange of ideas and best practices, the exchange of information, the discussion of current issues and the pooling of knowledge to solve problems.


Zeynep Kali

İstanbul Üniversitesi Amerikan Kültürü ve Edebiyatı mezunu. 15 Yıl Havacılık sektöründe çalıştı. Uçakları,yolcuları ve yolculukları çok sever. Farklı insanlar tanımak,tanımadığı şehirlerin sokaklarında dolaşmak en hoşlandığı şeydir. Bir kız çocuğu annesidir. Sitemizin Yazı İşleri Müdürüdür

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